Gone but not forgotten
Hieronder staan de flipperkasten die wij in de loop der tijd in onze colectie gehad hebben: Gameroom Gendt / Madhouse-pinball Cosmic gunfight Swords of fury Jokerz Jokerz Blackwater 100 Dirty Harry Freedom White water Riviera Genie Theatre of magic Doctor who Indiana jones Genie Flintstones Swords of fury The champion pub The Addams family Pharaoh Independence day Junk yard Jungle lord Mata hari Nitro ground shaker Viper night shaker Judge dredd Congo Popeye Monster bash Fire power Bs Dracula Monte carlo (gottlieb) Starship troopers Rolling stones Shooting the rapids Who dunnit Fire! Big guns Pinbot Millionaire World cup soccer High speed Fire champagne edition Lost in space Rocky and Bullwinkle Johnny mnemonic Spin wheel No good gofers Tri zone Bobby orr powerplay Jubilee Apollo 13 Pinball magic Nine ball Moonshot Rockmakers Pinball magic nr 12 Mexico 86 Shangri la Rockmakers Hot shots F14 tomcat Surf champ Demolition man Gator Space station Bronco Apollo 13 Funhouse The fiery 30’s Ripleys believe it or not Doggies Barbwire Phanthom of the opera Medieval madness Corvette Roadshow Whirlwind Tales from the crypt Joust Mousin around Amigo Corvette Boomerang Batman forever Jungle lord Joust nr 1001 Mr and mrs pacman Little chief Jubilee Fun fest Jackpot Camelot Student prince Capersville Big chief Mr and mrs pacman Capersville Theatre of magic Fire Rollergames Bow and arrow Godzilla Special force Space hawks Alive Centaur 2 Buck rogers Pool sharks Joust Pink panther Barbwire Nba fastbreak Nba fastbreak Lost world Jokerz Robocop Barbwire Diner Four Million BC Shadow Grand Prix Speak Easy Riviera Travel Time Lost World Oxo Stardust Fire Power 2 Fun Fest Big Vally Star Trek (bally) Judge Dredd Disco Fever Spy Hunt Fire Power 2 Speak Easy Grand Prix Woods queen Tiger Rag High Speed Alien Poker Dogies Old Chicago Student Prince Mac Attack Snow fever Jokerz Star Trek (bally) Bonebusters Student Prince Amigo Victory Rolling Stones Space Invaders Embryon Mariner Pat Hand Time Machine Jokerz Mystic MS & MR Pacman Barracora Traveltime
[Web Creator] [LMSOFT]